Before meeting up with a friend last Sunday, I decided to grab some lunch. For the sake of food blogging, I was set on eating somewhere I have not tried yet. I checked out the establishments near my apartment and I saw that Mongolian Quick Stop was in the radar. I have passed by this place so many times whenever I was in Waltermart but I never got to try it, so there was my chance. 

Since I did not have a decent breakfast that day, I decided to have a hefty lunch. Here's what I ordered.
 Fried Tofu - Php55
Stir Fried Noodles - Php75

The noodles were delicious. It had a lot going on - it had some meat, squid, and lots of vegetables. While it had a tad too much sauce, the sauce was actually very tasty. The tofu was a little bland, but it was not bad. Overall, I was still pleased with my experience there. The servings were huge. The food was okay and the service was quick. Plus, the food was very budget-friendly. I only spent Php155 in total for everything - I had to add Php20 for iced tea. 

Would I recommend this place? Totally! I mean, where else can you get inexpensive Asian food that tastes good, right?