Let me explain the title first. I have never reached the actual summit of Mt. Ugo, thus the title of this blog post. But I have been on the trails going to Mt. Ugo for photographer duties, while covering a trail race that happened here. I reached the trails by riding a truck. Also, my trip here was all-expenses-paid (perks of being a sports photographer). So expect that this post will not give you any details for climbing Mt. Ugo. 

The sights were so majestic that my shutterbug self simply could not resist taking photos of them, even though I was really just supposed to take photos of the runners. Anyway, here are some of the photos that I took.
I got to catch the sunrise and it was breathtaking.

These were taken just along the trail. I can only imagine how much much more beautiful the sights would be at the summit. Thus, Mt. Ugo is definitely on my bucket list of mountains to climb here in the Philippines. 'Til then, these photos would suffice.