A trip to Siargao won't be complete without surfing. Known as the Philippine's top surfing destination, surfers from different parts of the country and even the world visit Siargao to ride this island's beautiful waves. As I was told, the waves here are generally good for the entire year, but there are months when they are ginormous, which is known as the surfing season. But still, if you come here at any time of the year, you're still sure to ride some good waves.

I did some surfing there on my first day. I went to Cloud Nine and spoke to one of the instructors there, who asked about my background in surfing. I told him that I had been surfing for a year. While I can catch waves on my own just fine, I decided to get an instructor for one reason: safety. I have never surfed on a reef break and I heard scary stories about people getting cut by sharp reefs because of strong currents. So for me, the idea of surfing on a reef break was daunting. After chit-chatting for a bit, my instructor went off to fetch two boards: the usual long board for me and a short board for him. And then we were off.

From Cloud Nine, there are three surfing spots. To the left is Jacking Horse, which is recommended for beginners. Then just in front of the Cloud Nine tower is Cloud Nine itself, where the locals and pros usually surf. Lastly, there's Quicksilver, which is underrated but a great spot as well.

My instructor took me to Cloud Nine and the moment that I hit the waters, I knew why this is the country's top surfing destination. The waves were huge and glassy, and absolutely beautiful. There were even barrels. The only other people surfing there were local kids who seemed like pros. I even asked my instructor if he was sure that he's going to let me surf on Cloud Nine. He said I'll be just fine. It was scary at first but my instructor guided me and told me which side to paddle out on. He told me which waves to ride. I went on long rides and I was really stoked after. It was probably one of the best surf sessions I had.
 the kid is just too good to not be included in the photo
felt like a pro here, lol

Days two, three, and four were for touring the island, so I only got to surf again on my fifth and last day. My flight was around noon so I only had that morning to surf. I woke up to a really bad hangover from partying the night before but I really pushed myself to wake up before 6am so I can surf. This time, I went to Jacking Horse and rented a board. 

They made me use a fun board, which is smaller compared to what I am used to. I paddled out to the spot that is on the left side of Cloud Nine tower. The waves that day were smaller compared to the waves on day one, which is perfectly fine with me. I caught a few waves and had lots of fun, and I would not have it any other way. It was my last day on the island and it was perfect.

My trip to Siargao had its ups and downs, just like any other vacation. In the end, it's the good memories that will stay. The moment that I saw the island from the window of the plane, it was love at first sight. The moment that I first paddled out into its waters, I knew I was home. It was my home away from home, and I vow to return. 

When I just learning how to surf, surfing in Cloud Nine was just a dream. So imagine how teary-eyed I almost was when I finally did it. I was on a high. This is my second to the last post about my Siargao trip. I'll soon be posting an itinerary and a quick travel guide. For now, let me end this post with this breathtaking photo of the Cloud Nine board walk taken from Jacking Horse.